Monday, October 20, 2014

My Style Profile

I like to think of my style as "North Italy sophisticated career woman" with a hint of haute couture.

I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE I GOT THAT IDEA FROM! But since it fell out of my mouth, I've stuck with it.

I live for tailored pieces and there's a reason for that: I am slender and curvy. It doesn't matter how many fashion magazines I've gone through usually slender and curvy is not included in the body types. Just so you understand what I have to go through, for my high school prom I found a dress that I absolutely loved in a beautiful gold/bronze hue (depending on how the light hit it). Stepped into the dress, zipped up and it would not make it up and over the ladies. My bust just would not fit this dress. I went a couple sizes up, had to chuck my bra and finally this silver dress (gold/bronze had run out in bigger sizes) fit in the bust area but it was loose and baggy everywhere else. So I went to prom with enough room to sneak out three plates of food. Fast forward more years than I would care to admit and I still have a hard time finding clothes that fit well. If I'm not trying to suck in my hips (impossible), then usually, I'm having to check to make sure that I'm not popping buttons and flashing the world. I love loose blousy silhouettes but they tend to make me look expectant, as in bun-in-the-oven, wait 9 months for your prize type of expectant. So I am very often found in a fitted silhouette and if I can help it, a tailored piece.

I love this suit photographed by Vanessa Jackman (soon to be featured on the blog) and it certainly fits my aesthetic.

The hint of haute is usually my finishing touch. With every outfit, I try to pick an item, shoe or accessory that doesn't quite match and that usually brings the outfit together for me. There is something liberating in the idea of the impossible or the imperfect.

I should also add that I love vintage profiles. I'm sure that'll be easy to see...

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